On September the 7th, 14th, 28th and 29th, TME Education Zambia, represented by Wilfred Mulenga, conducted a workshop in electronics in Mutendere East located within Lusaka. The training started with a brief introduction to TME Education and its philosophy, then the participants were presented the basic concepts of electronics and Arduino programming. Using the Arduino-base TME Educational Kit, the students found out how to use the LEDs, and LCD screen or create loops. The second session was dedicated to reading read values from the temperature and light sensor. The students also learnt how to use “if” statement, which was later used in a project on setting an alarm in case of a certain light intensity detected by a device. The last two-day session was dedicated to conducting practical projects: controlling the buzzer with the microphone, where students learnt how to use ‘if statements’ to turn the buzzer on when the sound it receives reached a certain level and creating a countdown from 9-0 using the seven-segment display.